SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting
SAA Women's Intergroup
English (United States)
Mixed - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Other - see details below
Email for zoom link information.
2021-09-23 06:00 US/Pacific
1 hour 30 minutes
WIG Bylaws approved May 20 2021.pdf
Agenda SAA Womens Intergroup September 23 2021.docx
WOC Email Voting Requirements.docx

Our monthly business meeting is conducted via Zoom.

*We are an Intergroup, (or service committee), of Sex Addicts Anonymous [SAA], using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of SAA, and not affiliated with any other organization or agency. We are a registered Intergroup with the International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA; however, we are not part of the ISO, and operate autonomously."   See https://SAAFORWOMEN.ORG for more information

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