Back to Basic -- newcomers and others [12 steps in one day]
Dan B (WA)
English (United States)
Gemischt - alle Sexsüchtigen, die Genesung suchen
Webcall - Internettelefonie
via zoom app (computer, tablet or phone) Meeting ID: 880 7080 3641 passcode: B2B12Steps; dial-in only: call # [1-]253-215-8782 same meeting ID, (dial-in passcode: 0717427475)
2022-01-08 09:00 US/Pacific
6 stunden
Handout scan 1-compressed.pdf
Handout cover sheet good.rtf
Session 3A Script.pages
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Back to the Basics of Recovery for SAA Session 2.pdf
Back to the Basics of Recovery for SAA Session 3.pdf
Back to the Basics of Recovery for SAA Session 4.pdf
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