SAA Women's Panel (A workshop at Puget Sound retreat)
SAA Women's Intergroup
English (United States)
Gemischt - alle Sexsüchtigen, die Genesung suchen
Webcall - Internettelefonie
Go to and register for the full Serenity on the Sound Retreat (7th Tradition only) You will receive the full program by email a couple days before the event. Via zoom.
2022-10-15 12:30 US/Pacific
1 uhrzeit 30 minuten

The workshop is sponsored by the SAA Women's Intergroup [WIG].

From a discussion at the September WIG meeting, two members suggested the need for a panel discussion on safety and women in (especially) Mixed meetings.  This workshop grew out of that need, gratefully hosted by the Puget Sound Retreat Committee.

The opinions expressed are those of the women panel members; the WIG supports all Women and Gender Minorities, their opinions and their recovery.  


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