European LGBT Tuesday Meeting
English (United Kingdom)
LGBT - schwule, lesbische, bisexuelle oder transgender Sexsüchtige, die Genesung suchen
Video und audio
For Zoom & telephone access details please email or Text / WhatsApp: Joe 07725548066
Dienstag 19:30 Europe/London
1 uhrzeit
+44 7725 548066
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Zoom -  for log in details please email 

This meeting is open to everyone over the age of 18. Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual,Transgender and Querying of their sexual gender or identify and members who struggle from same sex issues.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide a SAFE space for the LGBTQ community to share our unique experiences. It is very appropriate to share your experiences of being LGBTQ and also what it means to be a recovering LGBTQ sex addict.

  • Meeting type: Closed, Mixed, LGBTQ, Weekly Focus:

o   First week - Step reading of the month

o   Second week - Tools of the programme

o   Third week - Reading of the day

o   Fourth week – Presentation / Share

o   Fifth week – Tradition of the Month

  • Day: Tuesdays
  • Time: 7:30pm 
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