Thursday "One Morning at a Time"
English (United States)
Gemischt - alle Sexsüchtigen, die Genesung suchen
Video und audio
Zoom ID: 7129815782 Pass code – 988127 Call in by PHONE: (646) 558-8656
Donnerstag 08:00 US/Eastern
1 uhrzeit
Thursday One Morning at a Time Meeting - SCRIPT 03-21-2024.docx
Thursday OMAAT Minute Archives 2022 11-29-2022.docx

Welcome everyone!  This is a mixed/closed "topic and check-in" meeting for any sex addict seeking recovery.

Please note: for security and safety reasons:

1) The meeting will lock at ten minutes after commencement. New members may be asked to briefly verify with a meeting admin.

2) We ask that anyone new to the meeting please join the meeting at ten to the hour. This is to allow meeting admins the chance to verify and welcome you.


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