PPG Men Of Integrity SAA
English (United States)
Άντρες - male sex addicts seeking recovery
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https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82971629914?pwd=ajZBSkI4bmZjWVZpSXBmenJlMXhUUT09 Meeting ID: 829 7162 9914 Passcode: xs11Aw Numeric Password: 836591 Call in +13462487799
Σάββατο 10:00 US/Eastern
2 hours

We are a group of men, based out of Coppell, TX, however enjoy a fellowship that stretches around the world.  This Saturday meeting is a Workshop.  We share daily readings from several AA resources and then spend time to empower men suffering from Sex Addiction with specific spiritual tools.  It's a special time with a bunch of knuckleheads that want to show you what we've been shown.  

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