Bienvenidos/as al sitio web del Intergrupo de reuniones a distancia de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos - ASA es una comunidad de hombres y mujeres quienes compartimos nuestra experiencia, fortaleza y esperanza unos con otros, con el propósito de encontrar la libertad de nuestras conductas sexuales adictivas y ayudar a otros a recuperarse su adicción sexual. Nuestro programa se basa en los 12 Pasos y las 12 Tradiciones de Alcohólicos Anónimos. Sin embargo, no estamos afiliados a AA o a ninguna otra organización.
Las reuniones a distancia de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos nos ofrecen un ambiente de aceptación, no amenazante, donde podemos compartir nuestras luchas comunes y aprender cómo aplicar los principios de los 12 Pasos en nuestra vida cotidiana. El único requisito para ser miembro es tener el deseo de detener las conductas sexuales adictivas. No contamos con ninguna tarifa o cuota de membresía. Este es un programa simple y está funcionando para nosotros.
Practicamos estrictamente el anonimato y la confidencialidad, por lo cual, nuestras reuniones son un lugar seguro para todos nosotros. La identidad de quienes participan y lo que se habla en las reuniones es confidencial, por lo que no lo damos a conocer ni comentamos con nadie. No nos oponemos a otras formas de terapia o tratamiento - solamente ofrecemos nuestra experiencia, cada persona es libre de aceptarla o no.
Reuniones a distancia
Las reuniones periódicas son el núcleo de la recuperación en SAA. Encuentre una reunión en línea o convencional adecuada aquí.
Próximos eventos
Los eventos especiales de recuperación pueden complementar las reuniones periódicas.
Este listado está vacío
Los miembros comparten sus historias de recuperación.
Why I’m here… | I was arrested in November 2023. I then attended Keystone residential program for sex addiction for 42 days. I’m currently working with a sponsor with the Big Book through ssapp. I expect around a year of jail time. I hope to continue my recovery, if jail is Thy will, and work with other prisoner addicts. |
Tony | My name is Tony. I am a recovering sex addict. Although married, I acted out for 44 years with affairs, strip clubs, pornography and masturbation. A discovered online affair has led to disclosure and a lot of counseling. I joined SA and am following the 12 steps. I have been sober for a few weeks and talking with other addicts seems to be the one thing that is working. I feel hope for the first time. |
My "S" Story | My name is Brooks and I am a Sex Addict. I've been coming to the "S" fellowship since 1995. My journey into recovery from sexual compulsion began with a psychotherapist who recommended I utilize a similar 12 Step program that helped me stay clean and sober in AA & NA. |
Enslaved by the Screen Devil | Hi, my name is Scott, I'm a 66, almost 67 year old Scotsman living now in the North West of England. I have 5 daughters and 2 sons, I did have 6 daughters but sadly I lost her back in 1987 when she passed away at the age of 7. I have been addicted to pornography and acting out for over 50 years, first through magazines and then through the internet. I have been sober/ clean for 2 years now and I have also, and still am in therapy for the same length of time as I have been sober/ clean. Thank you for taking the time to read this. |
Contactos primarios del Intergrupo
General enquiries | Nuestro servidor de confianza a cargo del correo electrónico redireccionará su consulta si usted no está seguro cuál de los otros contactos es el apropiado |
Intergroup chair | The Intergroup chair is responsible for the smooth running of Intergroup committee meetings and interim decisions |
Intergroup secretary | The Intergroup secretary prepares committee agendas and minutes and maintains general records |
Webmaster | The Website committee maintains this website |
¿Qué es la adicción sexual?
¿Es real la adicción sexual?
El sexo es una parte natural, sana y agradable de la vida. Puede ser una experiencia hermosa, feliz y de unión. Así que ¿Cómo puede ser una adicción? Las personas que dicen ser adictos sexuales ¿No están solamente dando excusas por su falta de dominio propio o autocontrol? ¿No será que solo lo disfrutan demasiado?
¿Soy un adicto sexual?
Like an alcoholic unable to stop drinking, sex addicts are unable to stop their self-destructive sexual behavior. Our behaviors vary: compulsive masturbation, pornography, affairs, paying for sex or being paid, voyeurism, exhibitionism, unsafe sex, abusive sex and much more besides. Family breakups, sexual diseases and other health consequences, financial disaster, loss of jobs, and risk to life are often the painful themes of our stories.
Los miembros pueden donar para ayudar a que todas las reuniones lleven su mensaje de recuperación.
According to our traditions each SAA group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Face-to-face groups pass the pot at each meeting and members are free to contribute as they can and as they see appropriate. This is not always possible in a telemeeting, however the telemeetings listed on this website have created a service board called the Telemeeting Intergroup to help them carry the message of the Twelve Steps of SAA to the sex addict who still suffers. Services provided by the Intergroup which groups cannot easily provide in isolation include:
Ayuda para usar este sitio web.
- Please Contact Us if you would like assistance setting up a new or temporary Telemeeting by conventional telephone or online video or voice conference
- Members and especially group representatives may login to view the minutes of our last Intergroup meeting - we tried to carry this message to other sex addicts!
- See the latest newsletter from the International Service Organization of SAA at
- If you were looking for, we have moved our site - all the information that was at and more is now available here!
- SAA members can create a personal account to view more information and optionally share their contact details with other members
- If your meeting is not already listed your group representative can also create a group account and submit a new weekly meeting for publication via My meetings in the members area
- See helpful links for women
- Members can see details of monthly Intergroup business meetings through the Business meetings list after they have logged in
- Intergroup servants can publish reports in advance through All events in the Publishing area
- See our website policy on privacy and cookies
The following procedures may help you use this site.
You may view all procedures, or restrict the list using the filters below.
You can see further details by clicking the procedure title.
Members may register and login to view additional procedures.
Reuniones de negocios
Los miembros experimentados ayudan a los grupos a llevar su mensaje de recuperación.
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for March 2025 | English | Mixta | Todos | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for April 2025 | English | Mixta | Todos | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for May 2025 | English | Mixta | Todos | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for June 2025 | English | Mixta | Todos |
Los miembros comparten otros recursos de recuperación de doce pasos.
The twelve steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Sí | Recovery 12 steps SAA |
The twelve traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Sí | Recovery 12 traditions SAA |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Basamağı | Turkish translator | Turkish | No | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki basamağı |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Geleneği | Turkish translator | Turkish | No | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki geleneği |
Las Doce Tradiciones de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | No | Recuperación 12 tradiciones ASA SAA |
Los Doce Pasos de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | No | Recuperación 12 pasos ASA SAA |
Τα Δώδεκα Βήματα | Greek translator | Greek | No | Δώδεκα 12 Βήματα |