Special Holiday SAA Telemeeting Marathon
ISA Intergroup
English (United States)
Mista - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Telefono - standard teleconference
712-770-4160, passcode 410674
2018-12-25 09:00 US/Central
12 hours
Special Holiday Telemeeting Marathon Script.pdf

To assist recovering sex addicts during a time which could be difficult for many, there will be a series of mixed-gender SAA telemeetings on December 25th.  Volunteers are needed to lead the meetings.  Please email avoidance@saa-recovery.org to volunteer to be the Trusted Servant for a meeting.

Though this event is hosted by the ISA Intergroup, meetings will follow whichever format the Trusted Servant and/or Group Conscience wishes.  A "generic" meeting format is available here, or Trusted Servants may choose a different one.

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