Intimacy Avoidance: Another aspect of Sex Addiction
Rey G
English (United States)
Mista - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Internet - internet conference
Zoom mtg ID: 379 934 1922 password: 000000
2021-07-17 15:00 US/Pacific
1 hour 30 minutes

Intimacy Avoidance: Another aspect of Sex Addiction
with Deb in WV

We will learn from Deb's experience, strength and hope in intimacy and sexual avoidance (ISA); a description/definition of ISA, tools towards its recovery and available SAA resources.


Southern California Intergroup of SAA Workshop

Saturday, July 17, 2021
3:00-4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Zoom mtg ID: 379 934 1922  password: 000000

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