SAA Secular Sobriety
English (United States)
Mista - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Video e audio
Mercoledì 18:00 US/Pacific
1 hour
In corso


This is Avel from the Secular Sobriety meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays. During our last business meeting, the group voted to have the Zoom waiting room permanently enabled to keep our meeting safe from Zoom bombers.  We need your help with the Zoom settings. Would you be able to permanently enable our Zoom waiting room and customize it to include the following welcome message: "Hello, I will be letting you into the meeting in just a moment. Please enter the meeting and introduce yourself in the chat. Thank you for making the meeting a safe space for everyone and welcome." 

Also, we would like to have the following Zoom features disabled for our meeting:


Sharing screen for everyone except hosts/co-hosts

Sharing white boards

Renaming oneself

Share notes


Please let me know if this will be possible. Thank you very much.


In recovery,



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