SAA Melbourne Hybrid Meeting
English (United Kingdom)
Mista - any sex addicts seeking recovery
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Zoom meeting ID: 890 8391 2875 - Zoom Passcode: 368 015
Mercoledì 19:45 Australia/Melbourne
1 hour 30 minutes
John D
In corso

In-person address: Collingwood Library, Ph.1300 695 427, 11 Stanton St, Abbotsford VIC 3067 <Google Maps>

Online: Zoom meeting ID: 890 8391 2875 | Passcode: 368 015

Time: 7.45 - 9:15 pm (Melbourne, Australia time)

Newcomers to the meeting are requested to arrive 10 minutes early

1st Step Presentation: 1st Wednesday of every month

Group Conscience - 3rd Wednesday of every month

Secretary: John D

Treasurer: Andrew

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