Morning Steps
English (United States)
Mista - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Phone: +1-605-562-0400 access code: 2848527
Mercoledì 07:30 US/Eastern
1 hour
Morning Steps Telephone Meeting 7jun2017.docx
Morning Steps Telephone Meeting may2017.docx
In corso

Morning Steps meeting follows the format laid out in attached document.  We start with a description of SAA, group introductions, and "How It Works."  We then read a step from the Green Book starting with Step One at the first meeting.  After we reach Step Twelve at the 12th meeting, following meeting may read other pertinent passages from the Green Book, i.e., "Tools of Recovery," but we will return to reading one of the twelve steps each week, in order.  After the reading there will be time for sharing on what was read or just to check in on how you are doing.  The meeting will end with the promises, a prayer, and the closing.  After the meeting officially ends as many as would like can stay on for fellowship.

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