A member's story

Another Gay Bozo on the Bus.
Bob G & myself started SaaTalk back in 2004. He was working in LA three days a week and started a tele-conference meeting I think on Wednesday. Service keeps you sober; I couldn't stay sober over the weekends. I started the 2nd teleconference meeting on Sunday afternoons. I got sober, imagine that. At the 2005 New Orleans International convention, Bob & I gave a workshop on teleconference meetings, since we saw the potential for the addict who still suffers. Sadly only 2 people showed up. Yet, at the first GLBTQ Roundtable later that day, a group of us started #3 on Tuesdays for the GLBTQ sex addict. I remember when a group of isolated woman got together, and within a few days organized a meeting a day for Woman Only. What a blessing. This is what we do in Recovery and it is so simple. We ask for help in our darkest and deepest hour, and a helping hand of our Higher Power leads us into a sober life. In every case it is not one hand, but a loving army of "me too" and "this is the path of recovery, follow me". Keep on coming back.

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