ISA Fellowship Friday Cafe
English (United States)
Mixed - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Video and audio
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fredag 09:00 US/Eastern
1 hour
Deb in WV
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Friday Fellowship Cafe SCRIPT 8-23-2024.docx

This is an informal fellowship time where SAA members can practice putting the principles of connection into action by having a social hour using the ZOOM video platform.  Think of it as a gathering for breakfast or coffee before or after a meeting!  It's like a "parking lot" discussion where SAA members can get to know each other as people, full of friendly small-talk and lighthearted banter.  In contrast to the sometimes heavy tones of our regular 12-Step support meetings, the atmosphere in the ISA Fellowship Friday Cafe (a.k.a. Coffee ZOOM) is usually "unscripted" and "not too deep!"  We learn how to laugh and play, share our talents and parts of our lives that aren't the right fit for a traditional meeting but are perfect for building community!  Everyone is welcome.

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