SAA Women’s Intergroup meeting Sunday, June 5 2022
SAA Women's Intergroup
English (United States)
Mixta - cualquier adicto sexual buscando recuperación
Teléfono - Llamada telefónica estándar
NOTE the new day and time effective May this year; Pease see SAA WIG invite file below; Zoom Mtg ID: 833 8047 3343 Passcode: serenity
2022-06-05 13:30 US/Central
1 hora 15 minutos
SAA Womens Intergroup June 5 2022 zoom Invite.pdf
Draft Minutes May 1 meeting.pdf
May 29a version TOC Article -- Is your SAA meeting Welcoming to Women.pdf
WIG June 5 2022 Agenda rev 4.pdf
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