July 4th Telemeeting Marathon
Open Intimacy & Sexual Avoidance
English (United States)
Mixta - cualquier adicto sexual buscando recuperación
Teléfono - Llamada telefónica estándar
call 712-770-4160, passcode 599840#
2020-07-04 11:00 US/Central
9 horas
Special Holiday Telemeeting Marathon Script.pdf

Holidays can be difficult.  A series of mixed gender SAA telemeetings will be available on this FreeConferenceCall line from 11 am US Central through 8 pm US Central on July 4th.  Even if it isn't a holiday for you, feel free to take advantage of the extra meetings on this day! 

We need Trusted Servants to volunteer to lead these meetings.  TS may choose to use suggested generic format or their own.  Please email saa.anorexia.telemeetings@gmail.com to sign up for one of the open time slots.

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