LGBTQ+ Step Workshop - Spring 2022
LGBT Outreach
English (United States)
LGBT - adictos/as sexuales lesbianas, homosexuales, bisexuales o transgénero buscando recuperación
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2022-02-16 19:30 US/Central
1 hora

Steps 0-3 for LGBT Newcomers Without Sponsors

Session Begins: Wednesday February 16, 2022
Time: 5:30pm PST, 6:30pm MT, 7:30 CST, 8:30pm EST (Runtime: 60-90 minutes each week)
Duration: 10-14 Weeks (Depending on the number of participants)
Platform: Zoom (Credentials will be provided after participation request is complete)

*This is a free special zoom workshop for those who are members of the LGBTQ+ community, new to the program and do not have a sponsor. This is a safe and inclusive space to build a strong foundation in the program and start your recovery journey. If you feel like this applies to you, please contact us at for more information and registration.  

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