PPG Men Of Integrity SAA
English (United States)
Hombres - hombres adictos sexuales buscando recuperación
Video y audio
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82971629914?pwd=ajZBSkI4bmZjWVZpSXBmenJlMXhUUT09 Meeting ID: 829 7162 9914 Passcode: xs11Aw Call in +13462487799 Call in password 836591
Lunes 19:30 US/Eastern
1 hora
Daily Spiritual Action Plan.docx
Integrity Group SAA Coppell --Open Close.docx
meeting study guide 1.pdf

This is a Primary Purpose Big Book Study Meeting.   A group of men based out of Coppell, TX that enjoys fellowship and sobriety with many sex addicts all over the world.   We use the Big Book of AA to show the precise instructions in working the 12 Steps.  

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