Telemeeting details
Women's Unity | |
English (United States) | |
Women - female sex addicts seeking recovery | |
Oui | |
Non | |
Audio only | |
Dial 712-432-1212 passcode 317308433 | |
samedi 08:00 US/Central | |
1 hour | |
Womens Unity Meeting.docx | |
Womens Unity Meeting.docx | |
Ongoing | |
Welcome to the Women’s Unity Meeting. My name is ___. I'm a sex addict and your trusted servant for this meeting. Please help me open this meeting with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer. The God of your understanding God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. To reduce background noise, please mute your phone when you are not speaking. This is a book study meeting. We will be using a study guide to study the Big Book of AA, the original Twelve Step document, one sentence at a time. If you do not have a Big Book, you may access it online at (Note to trusted servant: the study guide can be found at What is SAA? Sex Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from sexual addiction or dependency. The Third Tradition of SAA states: Membership is open to all who have a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. There is no other requirement. SAA is open to all people regardless of age, race, religion, and gender or sexual preference. Our common goals are to become sexually healthy and to help other sex addicts achieve freedom from compulsive sexual behavior. SAA is supported through voluntary contributions from members. We are not affiliated with any other Twelve Step program, nor are we part of any other organization. We do not support, endorse, or oppose outside causes or issues. Sex Addicts Anonymous is a spiritual program based on the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are grateful to AA for this gift which makes our recovery possible. Sex Addicts Anonymous recognizes that people’s needs are different and thus individual recovery programs are different. SAA empowers individuals to choose and create a program that will lead to a self-affirming expression of sexuality. The core of our program is the Twelve Steps which come from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous as described here: Would someone please read "How It Works" which can be found in the Big Book on page 58. (Stop after the ABC's.) Would someone please read The Twelve Traditions which can be found in Appendix I of the Big Book of AA, or on page 77 of the SAA Green Book? Thanks readers!
Now is the time we celebrate milestones of recovery! Does anyone have…30 days?...60 days?...90 days?...6 months?...9 months?...1 year?...18 months?...Multiples of years?...How about 24 hours?...Yay! (If anyone is celebrating a milestone, ask them to tell us how they did it.)
Now let's go around the room for introductions. Please introduce yourself by your first name only, where you're calling from, and your current length of abstinence from your addictive sexual behaviors. If you are new to SAA or new to this meeting, please let us know so that we may welcome you. I'm ___ from __. I'm grateful for ___(time period) of abstinence from my addictive sexual behaviors. Pass. (If there are newcomers, invite them to stay on the line for fellowship after the meeting where they can ask questions and get phone numbers.)
In this meeting we stay focused on the solution as presented in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, the original Twelve Step document. In the spirit of SAA unity, we may refer to AA and SAA literature when we share. After each paragraph, you are invited to share your insight and knowledge regarding the solution as it is presented in the Big Book. (Note to Trusted Servant: If there are enough people at the meeting, you may ask someone to read the study guide questions. the study guide can be found at
We will begin our book study today on page ___ of the Big Book. In the study guide, there are questions for almost every sentence in the Big Book. I will read a question and call on a group member to read the corresponding sentence out of the Big Book which is the answer. Please don't be embarrassed if you get lost or don't understand the format. Just say "pass" and we'll call on you next time around. If you would like to participate in taking turns reading sentences from the Big Book that correspond to the study guide questions, please say your first name so that I can put you on the list. Thanks to ______, ________, ________, and _______ for volunteering to help us answer the study guide questions today. We are starting today on page ___. (Note to Trusted Servant: Ask someone to read about a page and a half) We will begin by reading about a page and a half, and then we will go back to where the reading started, to take turns answering the study guide questions.
(Note to Trusted Servant: At the end of each paragraph, please say, "Now the meeting is open to share about that paragraph and how we apply it to our recovery from sex addiction.")
(About 5 minutes before the hour…) Our 7th tradition states that every SAA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. We have no dues or fees, but we encourage you to make a donation to the Telemeeting Intergroup to support the telemeetings and the International Service Organization (ISO). This can be done at Our group conscience meeting is held on the 1st Saturday of the month after the regular meeting. Would someone please read the ninth step promises, which start at the bottom of page 83 in the Big Book? Are there any SAA related announcements? Please join us in a moment of silence for the sex addicts who still suffer, followed by the Serenity Prayer. The God of your understanding… God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Now is the time to share phone numbers. Please get a pen and paper. Sharing your phone number is completely voluntary. Keep in mind this is an open line and we have no way of knowing who is on the call. Please let us know your first name, where you are from, your phone number, time zone, and whether your phone is private and safe to leave SAA related messages. Please let us know if you are a sponsor.
(If it is NOT the first Saturday of the month:) The phone line is now open for fellowship. This is a great time to ask questions. Are there any newcomers with questions?
(If it IS the first Saturday of the month:) It is now time for the group conscience meeting. Please stay on the line for fellowship after this meeting.
Group Conscience Meeting Format It is now time for the Group Conscience meeting which will be followed by fellowship. If you are new, please stick around. We’d love to talk to you.
(Note to trusted servant: please review Robert’s Rules of Order at prior to the Group Conscience meeting. We follow those loosely.)
Welcome to the Women’s Unity Group Conscience meeting. My name is __________ I am a sex addict and your trusted servant for this meeting.
Would someone please read The Twelve Traditions, p. 77 of the SAA Green Book?
In keeping with our traditions, do we have any old business to discuss?
Do we have any new business to discuss?
Trusted Servant - 60 days sobriety suggested
Is there any new business?
(Note to Trusted Servant: Should a meeting format change occur, please make necessary changes to the format and email the new format to both of the meeting contacts, who have the username and password needed to post the newly revised format to
Please help me close this meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
As we go into fellowship, just a gentle reminder that although fellowship is not a meeting, as such, it is still suggested that we follow the principles set forth in the traditions during this time. This is a great time to ask questions. Feel free to leave at any time. Are there any newcomers with questions?