Bienvenue au site web de l’intergroupe des télé-réunions de Sex Addicts Anonymes (SAA). SAA est une fraternité composée d’hommes et de femmes qui partagent leur expérience, leur force et leur espoir dans le but se libérer des comportements sexuels compulsifs, et d’aider ceux et celles qui souffrent encore à se rétablir de la dépendance sexuelle. SAA est basé sur les Douze Etapes et les Douze Traditions des Alcooliques anonymes, mais nous ne sommes pas affiliés à AA ni à aucune autre organization.
Les télé-réunions des Sex Addicts Anonymes offrent un environnement accueillant et non menaçant où nous pouvons partager nos luttes communes, et apprendre à mettre en pratique les principes des Douze Étapes dans notre vie quotidienne. La seule condition pour être membre des SAA est le désir d'arrêter un comportement sexuel addictif. Il n'y a ni frais ni cotisations. C'est un programme simple, et ça marche pour nous.
Afin que nos réunions soient un lieu sûr pour nous tous, nous faisons respecter un anonymat et une confidentialité stricts. En principe, donc, l'identité des membres reste anonyme ; ce qui est dit en réunion n'est ni divulgué ni discuté avec qui que ce soit. Nous ne nous opposons pas à d'autres formes de thérapie ou de traitement, nous partageons simplement notre expérience. Vous êtes libre de la prendre ou de la laisser.
Regular meetings are the core of recovery in SAA. Find a suitable online or conventional telemeeting here.
Special recovery events can supplement regular meetings.
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Members share their recovery stories.
Newly Recovering Porn and Online addict | Hi I'm Craig and I'm a sex addict. and here's my first true attemp at my story. As of today I'm at step one, still actively in recovery, seeking sponsership and have been in clean recovery for two weeks. |
My Story | I have been struggling with my addiction to porn since I was about 14 or 15. I found a penthouse magazine underneath my dad's bed and it made me feel something inside. I was able to rent porn at the video store when I was about 15-16. I looked much older than my age. I had a job at pizzeria and made pretty good money, so a lot of it went to porn. By the time I was 18, I had multiple memberships at video stores around town. I would rotate them each week, so I didn't look like a porn freak. |
My Journey to Discovering Intimacy | I had no idea I was a sex addict or a "social, emotional, sexual and spiritual anorexic." But my life greatly improved once I made that amazing discovery. |
Recovered Alcoholic but oh my I may be a Sex Addict too | Hi, I'm Will, and I think I'm a Sex Addict. I don't act out with other people, but I watch entirely too much pornography, to the extent that it interferes with my life. I'd like to work the steps of SAA because quite frankly, the AA steps saved my life. So I know the steps work if you work them, of that there is no doubt. So now that the drink problem is solved, the other problem I have is related to my sexual sobriety, and I think I've found a moment of clarity but I really need to connect with a group. |
Contact us
See above to contact a particular telemeeting. See here to contact the people responsible for this website.
General enquiries | Our email servant will redirect your query if you are not sure which of the other contacts is appropriate |
Intergroup chair | The Intergroup chair is responsible for the smooth running of Intergroup committee meetings and interim decisions |
Intergroup secretary | The Intergroup secretary prepares committee agendas and minutes and maintains general records |
Webmaster | The Website committee maintains this website |
What is sex addiction?
Is sex addiction real?
Sex is a natural, healthy and enjoyable part of life. It can be a beautiful, happy and bonding experience. So how can it be an addiction? Aren’t people who say they’re sex addicts just making excuses for their lack of self-restraint and control? Don’t they just enjoy it too much?
Am I a sex addict?
Like an alcoholic unable to stop drinking, sex addicts are unable to stop their self-destructive sexual behavior. Our behaviors vary: compulsive masturbation, pornography, affairs, paying for sex or being paid, voyeurism, exhibitionism, unsafe sex, abusive sex and much more besides. Family breakups, sexual diseases and other health consequences, financial disaster, loss of jobs, and risk to life are often the painful themes of our stories.
Members may donate to help all meetings carry their message of recovery.
According to our traditions each SAA group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Face-to-face groups pass the pot at each meeting and members are free to contribute as they can and as they see appropriate. This is not always possible in a telemeeting, however the telemeetings listed on this website have created a service board called the Telemeeting Intergroup to help them carry the message of the Twelve Steps of SAA to the sex addict who still suffers. Services provided by the Intergroup which groups cannot easily provide in isolation include:
Help using this website.
- Please Contact Us if you would like assistance setting up a new or temporary Telemeeting by conventional telephone or online video or voice conference
- Members and especially group representatives may login to view the minutes of our last Intergroup meeting - we tried to carry this message to other sex addicts!
- See the latest newsletter from the International Service Organization of SAA at
- If you were looking for, we have moved our site - all the information that was at and more is now available here!
- SAA members can create a personal account to view more information and optionally share their contact details with other members
- If your meeting is not already listed your group representative can also create a group account and submit a new weekly meeting for publication via My meetings in the members area
- See helpful links for women
- Members can see details of monthly Intergroup business meetings through the Business meetings list after they have logged in
- Intergroup servants can publish reports in advance through All events in the Publishing area
- See our website policy on privacy and cookies
The following procedures may help you use this site.
Business meetings
Experienced members help groups carry their message of recovery.
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for March 2025 | English | Mixed | All | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for April 2025 | English | Mixed | All | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for May 2025 | English | Mixed | All | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for June 2025 | English | Mixed | All |
Members share other twelve-step recovery resources.
The twelve steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Oui | Recovery 12 steps SAA |
The twelve traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Oui | Recovery 12 traditions SAA |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Basamağı | Turkish translator | Turkish | Non | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki basamağı |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Geleneği | Turkish translator | Turkish | Non | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki geleneği |
Las Doce Tradiciones de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | Non | Recuperación 12 tradiciones ASA SAA |
Los Doce Pasos de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | Non | Recuperación 12 pasos ASA SAA |
Τα Δώδεκα Βήματα | Greek translator | Greek | Non | Δώδεκα 12 Βήματα |