Добро пожаловать
Добро пожаловать на веб–сайт Интергруппы Телеконференций Анонимных Зависимых От Секса - SAA представляет собой группу мужчин и женщин, которые делятся своим опытом, силой и надеждой друг с другом с целью остановить наше навязчивое сексуальное поведение и помочь другим в выздоровлении от сексуальной зависимости. Наша программа основана на Двенадцати Шагах и Двенадцати Традиций Анонимных Алкоголиков, хотя мы и не связаны с АА или любой другой организации.
Телконференции Анонимных Зависимых От Секса предлагают приемлемую, безопасную обстановку, в которой мы можем поделиться нашей общей борьбой и узнать, как применять принципы Двенадцати Шагов в нашей повседневной жизни. Единственным условием для членства является желание прекратить действовать под воздействием сексуальной зависимости. Там не нужно платить или делать сборы. Это простая программа, и она работает для нас.
Мы практикуем строгую анонимность и конфиденциальность, так что наши встречи являются безопасным местом для всех нас. Тех, кого мы встретили или то, что сказано при встрече, является конфиденциальным и обычно не раскрывается и не обсуждается ни с кем. Мы не выступаем против разных видов терапии или лечения - мы просто предлагаем наш опыт, вы вольны принять его или оставить его.
Регулярные встречи — основа выздоровления в SAA. Найдите подходящую онлайн- или обычную телеконференцию здесь.
Специальные восстановительные мероприятия могут дополнять регулярные встречи.
Этот список пуст
Наши истории
Участники делятся своими историями выздоровления.
Path to Recovery | My journey started like most, in denial. I was caught up in my own behaviors and it wasn't effecting my normal life, so it continued in the shadows and kept growing and progressing until a point I wish I could take it back. |
My Newcomer Story | Hi I am Jim and I am a lust addict. I have been one since childhood. I am currently sober and have been for three days as I broke my sobriety over the weekend. I have been actively involved in recovery for 18 months as I got to the point that my viewing of porn had reached a point where I was losing my sanity. I 're-entered the rooms' of sobriety and recovery via another S fellowship where I am still active. Prior to that I had 'white knuckled' it (unsuccessfully) for nearly 12 years. |
Outed by my wife | I was outed by my wife during a session with our marriage therapist in mid-October 2023. She discovered my 40-year secret the day before and blindsided me with it during couple’s therapy. She blurted out, “Are you a bisexual?” and the rest is history. She discovered my secret when she was looking through my office and found the private notes I take when meeting with my own therapist. The notes discussed my bisexuality and my history of acting out. We have been married for 40 years. I am 63 (so is she). We have three adult children (ages 37, 35, & 33). We have four grandchildren (ages 5, 2, 2, & three months). I have known I was bisexual since I was a teenager. I acted out with men over the years but was able to keep it a secret and it never interfered with my sexual attraction to my wife. My feelings about this are all over the place. I’m feeling ashamed, guilty, and misunderstood, but I will not deny my bisexuality. I had never planned to come out to the world, but my wife changed that plan. Now what do I do? Who do I tell, who do I not tell? What will my adult children think of me? I am a mess right now. Will we separate? Divorce? Posted: 11/28/2023. |
Doctor without Boundaries | My name is Mark w. and I am a sex, love,fantasy addict in recovery with a hint of sexual anorexia -especially to my primary partners. I was a pediatrician for over 25 years until I lost my medical license for acting out with mother's of patients. I was also involved in sexting and contacting my families through social media which was frowned upon by the board. I have been in S fellowships for 5 years now and have been currently sober for the past 2 months of them. My sobriety really improved when I found my higher power which consists of a combination of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Mother earth, ,my family and my current step group. Thank you. |
Contact us
See above to contact a particular telemeeting. See here to contact the people responsible for this website.
General enquiries | Человек, отвечающий за нашу электронную почту перенаправит ваш запрос, если вы не уверенны какой их этих контактов подходящий |
Intergroup chair | Возглавляющий интергруппой отвечает за гладкое ведение собраний комитета Интергруппы и за временные решения |
Intergroup secretary | Секретарь интегруппы составляет план комитета и протокол и ведет основные записи |
Webmaster | Комитет вебсайта обслуживает этот вебсайт |
Что такое сексуальная зависимость?
Is sex addiction real?
Sex is a natural, healthy and enjoyable part of life. It can be a beautiful, happy and bonding experience. So how can it be an addiction? Aren’t people who say they’re sex addicts just making excuses for their lack of self-restraint and control? Don’t they just enjoy it too much?
Являюсь ли я зависимым от секса?
Like an alcoholic unable to stop drinking, sex addicts are unable to stop their self-destructive sexual behavior. Our behaviors vary: compulsive masturbation, pornography, affairs, paying for sex or being paid, voyeurism, exhibitionism, unsafe sex, abusive sex and much more besides. Family breakups, sexual diseases and other health consequences, financial disaster, loss of jobs, and risk to life are often the painful themes of our stories.
Члены могут делать пожертвования, чтобы помочь всем собраниям нести весть о выздоровлении.
According to our traditions each SAA group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Face-to-face groups pass the pot at each meeting and members are free to contribute as they can and as they see appropriate. This is not always possible in a telemeeting, however the telemeetings listed on this website have created a service board called the Telemeeting Intergroup to help them carry the message of the Twelve Steps of SAA to the sex addict who still suffers. Services provided by the Intergroup which groups cannot easily provide in isolation include:
Помогите с этим сайтом.
- Please Contact Us if you would like assistance setting up a new or temporary Telemeeting by conventional telephone or online video or voice conference
- Members and especially group representatives may login to view the minutes of our last Intergroup meeting - we tried to carry this message to other sex addicts!
- See the latest newsletter from the International Service Organization of SAA at https://saa-recovery.org/wp-content/uploads/TheOuterCircleNewsletter.pdf
- If you were looking for saatalk.org, we have moved our site - all the information that was at saatalk.org and more is now available here!
- SAA members can create a personal account to view more information and optionally share their contact details with other members
- If your meeting is not already listed your group representative can also create a group account and submit a new weekly meeting for publication via My meetings in the members area
- See helpful links for women
- Members can see details of monthly Intergroup business meetings through the Business meetings list after they have logged in
- Intergroup servants can publish reports in advance through All events in the Publishing area
- See our website policy on privacy and cookies
The following procedures may help you use this site.
Деловая встреча
Опытные участники помогают группам нести весть о выздоровлении.
Этот список пуст
Участники делятся другими ресурсами по восстановлению из двенадцати шагов.
The twelve steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Да | Recovery 12 steps SAA |
The twelve traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Да | Recovery 12 traditions SAA |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Basamağı | Turkish translator | Turkish | Нет | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki basamağı |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Geleneği | Turkish translator | Turkish | Нет | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki geleneği |
Las Doce Tradiciones de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | Нет | Recuperación 12 tradiciones ASA SAA |
Los Doce Pasos de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | Нет | Recuperación 12 pasos ASA SAA |
Τα Δώδεκα Βήματα | Greek translator | Greek | Нет | Δώδεκα 12 Βήματα |