Mixed Meeting on Sex and Intimacy Avoidance
English (United States)
Mixed - any sex addicts seeking recovery
Video and audio
Zoom Meeting ID: 716 4857 4800 Passcode: 833125
samedi 15:00 US/Pacific
1 hour 30 minutes
Finding a Sponsor in SAA.pdf
This is a 90-minute closed literature study/step sharing meeting open only to those seeking their own recovery. If you are a student or mental health professional conducting research or a partner of a sex addict, you should find an open meeting. If you are a sex addict or think you may have a problem with sexual addiction or avoidance, you are welcome to attend this meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71648574800?pwd=Y0Yvc1g1UGF1VHFReHBKLzdkeTVBdz09

Meeting ID: 716 4857 4800
Passcode: 833125
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Meeting ID: 716 4857 4800
Passcode: 833125
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