Women's Sponsor-Sponsee Connection Meeting
SAA Women's Intergroup
English (United States)
Женское - женщина зависимая от секса, ищущая выздоровления
Все выше сказанное
See further information below
2019-05-07 19:30 US/Central
1 Час

This is a meeting for women in SAA who either

1) are a sponsor and have openings or

2) are seeking a sponsor.

Available sponsors are invited to share about a recovery topic, and potential sponsees can decide if they want to contact someone outside the meeting. If there are no sponsees in the meeting, sponsors can support one another. This meeting happens on the first Tuesday of each month.

To join by video:

Visit zoom.us, download the app and sign up (free) to create your own ZOOM account.

When it's time for the meeting, open the app and click "join a meeting" and enter ID 419 880 404.

To join by phone only, call 646-558-8656 & enter ID 419 880 404

Please be aware that call-in participants' phone numbers will be displayed upon connection, unless *67 is pressed before dialing to disable caller ID. As soon as a caller identifies him/herself, a Trusted Servant or Co-Host can replace the number with a first name.

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