Event details
ISA Awareness Event #2 | |
ISA Intergroup | |
English (United States) | |
Смешаное - любой зависимый от секса, ищущий выздоровления | |
Все выше сказанное | |
See further details below | |
2019-03-30 14:00 US/Central | |
1 Час | |
Sex addiction is an intimacy disorder, meaning the ability to be grounded in reality and genuinely connected emotionally with another person can be damaged by compulsive sexual behaviors. In addition, some SAA members have found themselves “‘shut down’ sexually in recovery, afraid of sex because of its association in our minds with our addiction or with past sexual trauma, or because of a fear of intimacy and vulnerability.” (Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 72) The SAA telemeetings which focus on applying the 12 Steps to heal from the avoidance of true intimacy would like to invite you to learn more. Two Intimacy and Sexual Avoidance (ISA) awareness events are taking place: Tuesday, March 26 at 8:00 p.m. US Central time and Saturday, March 30 at 2:00 p.m. US Central time. The events will be held using the ZOOM video platform (participants can also join by audio only using a phone). To join by video: Visit zoom.us to download the app (click "sign up free"). On the website, click "join a meeting," or using the app, click "join," and enter meeting ID 414 438 823. Please be aware that call-in participants' phone numbers will be displayed upon connection, unless *67 is pressed prior to dialing to disable caller ID. As soon as a caller identifies him/herself, a Trusted Servant or Co-Host can replace the number with a first name. To join by phone only, call 646-558-8656 and enter ID 414 438 823. For more information, email the ISA Outreach Committee at Avoidance@saa-recovery.org, or call 724-2HEARTZ (724) 243-2789 |