Living in Reality—The Steps Are the Blueprint
Rey G
English (United States)
Смешаное - любой зависимый от секса, ищущий выздоровления
Вебзвонок - звонок через интернет
Zoom mtg ID: 379 934 1922 password: 000000
2021-06-19 15:00 US/Pacific
1 Час 30 Минуты

Living in Reality—The Steps Are the Blueprint

Southern California Intergroup SAA Workshop

Saturday, June 19, 2021
3:00-4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Zoom mtg ID: 379 934 1922  password: 000000

Attendees will learn from this workshop:
1. How reality is synonymous with living in the present.
2. How the twelve-step program, teaches us to live in reality—to live in the present.
3. How a simple schematic representation of the past, present, and future can help us focus on living in the present.
4. The power of gratitude.

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