Fellowship - Saturday Pre-Labor Day with Movie or Puns
Bobby in Houston
English (United States)
Смешаное - любой зависимый от секса, ищущий выздоровления
Другое - смотри на детали внизу
see Zoom Info below
2021-09-04 12:00 US/Central
1 Час 30 Минуты

This is a Pre-US Labor Day Holiday Zoom Fellowship open to all members of SAA, but is indirectly hosted by the SAA Big Book Study Intergroup.

Zoom call on Saturday, September 4th, at 1pET / 12pCT / 10aPT / 7pCEST

Join the meeting via Zoom in one of these ways:
  -- https://zoom.us/j/89298350543 passcode 123456
  -- find your local number at https://zoom.us/u/ab0hfcJ8Mn and enter Zoom Meeting ID 89298350543
Enter the meeting with passcode 123456.


If there is enough interest in a movie, we will show the movie, "I Am Bill W" (running time 100 minutes).
We we will serve popcorn in the chat box for all who are not on a diet.

Or, if not enough want to watch the movie, we will have a...
Pun Fest (running time: most people cannot take more than about 7 minutes of puns; the truly hardy fold at about 12 minutes.).
BYOP - Bring your own puns. (family friendly puns only!)

~~ Please announce to your groups. ~~
This is a fellowship event for members and groups of the SAA Big Book Study Intergroup, but all SAA members are welcome.

We hope you can join us.


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