How do I mediate with my identities with my spirituality during recovery?
Rey G
English (United States)
Смешаное - любой зависимый от секса, ищущий выздоровления
Вебзвонок - звонок через интернет
Zoom mtg ID: 379 934 1922 password: 000000
2022-02-19 15:00 US/Pacific
1 Час 30 Минуты

Responding to the question, How do I mediate identities with spirituality during recovery?
with Rey G
A presentation delivered at the SAA Inclusion and Diversity Committee Event

We will learn from this presentation:
- Fundamental questions that may be used to refine the answer.
- How these interdependent questions impact our recovery.

Saturday, February 19, 2022
3:00-4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Zoom mtg ID: 379 934 1922  password: 000000

Another Southern California Intergroup of SAA Workshop
Contact: Rey G at 213-465-0722,
More information at

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