Willkommen auf der Webseite der Telemeeting-Intergruppe der Anonymen Sexsüchtigen (SAA). Die Anonymen Sexsüchtigen sind eine Gruppe von Männern und Frauen, die ihre Erfahrung, Kraft und Hoffnung teilen, um Freiheit von süchtigem Sexualverhalten zu erlangen und anderen bei der Genesung von der Sexsucht zu helfen. Unser Programm beruht auf den zwölf Schritten der Anonymen Alkoholiker, wir gehören jedoch nicht den AA oder irgendeiner anderen Organisation an.
Die Telemeetings der Anonymen Sexsüchtigen bieten eine sichere und annehmende Umgebung, in der wir über unsere Schwierigkeiten sprechen können und lernen, die Zwölf Schritte in unserem Alltag anzuwenden. Die einzige Voraussetzung für eine Mitgliedschaft ist der Wunsch, mit süchtigem Sexualverhalten aufzuhören. Es gibt keinerlei Mitgliedsgebühren oder Beiträge. Es handelt sich um ein einfaches Programm, das für uns funktioniert.
Wir praktizieren strenge Anonymität und Vertraulichkeit, damit unsere Meetings für alle ein sicherer Ort sind. Wen wir in einem Meeting treffen und was gesagt wird, das wird prinzipiell niemandem mitgeteilt und mit niemandem besprochen. Wir lehnen andere Formen der Therapie oder der Behandlung nicht ab, wir bieten lediglich unsere Erfahrungen an, und es bleibt jeder Einzelperson überlassen, ob sie das Angebot aufgreift oder nicht.
Regelmäßige Meetings sind der Kern der Genesung in SAA. Finden Sie hier ein passendes Online- oder klassisches Telemeeting.
Spezielle Genesungsveranstaltungen können regelmäßige Treffen ergänzen.
Diese Liste ist leer
Mitglieder teilen ihre Genesungsgeschichten.
Who Am I! | Been a sex addict for some time but didn't know it. |
Late learner | I grew up with a strong Catholic background in a small midwestern city. Early on, I found I was attracted to guys and was very ashamed of it since I knew it did not coincide with my religion nor the culture where I was living. |
Graced and Blessed | I am married--- for 34 years and have 2 grown children--- and was graced by God to have shared my SSA with my wife 4 years ago about my lifelong struggle with SSA and some resulting compulsive behaviors. |
Sexual anorexia, or compulsive sexual avoidance | My name's James, and I'm a sexual anorexic and addict. It's not so usual to hear people introduce themselves that way in SAA, so let me explain. Sexual anorexia (or compulsive sexual avoidance) is what got me into the Twelve Step fellowships that focus on sex. I had my first sexual experience with a woman when I was 25, a lot later than I would have hoped, and since that relationship broke up, there had been nothing apart from a few dates filled with terror. Some people may choose to wait to be sexual, but I didn't choose it that way, and I was utterly powerless over avoiding or sabotaging intimacy in my life, sexual or otherwise. I knew I wasn't gay, but I couldn't explain what the problem was. |
Contact us
See above to contact a particular telemeeting. See here to contact the people responsible for this website.
General enquiries | Unser ehrenamtlicher E-Mail-Beauftragte wird ihre Anfrage weiterleiten, falls Sie nicht sicher sind, welchen der anderen Kontakte Sie auswählen sollen |
Intergroup chair | Der Intergruppen-Moderator ist für den reibungslosen Ablauf von Intergroup-Committee-Meetings und für vorläufige Beschlüsse zuständig |
Intergroup secretary | Der Intergroup-Sekretär erstellt die Komitee-Tagesordnungen und -protokolle und führt die allgemeinen Unterlagen |
Webmaster | Das Website-Komitee verwaltet diese Website |
Was ist Sexsucht?
Is sex addiction real?
Sex is a natural, healthy and enjoyable part of life. It can be a beautiful, happy and bonding experience. So how can it be an addiction? Aren’t people who say they’re sex addicts just making excuses for their lack of self-restraint and control? Don’t they just enjoy it too much?
Bin ich sexsüchtig?
Like an alcoholic unable to stop drinking, sex addicts are unable to stop their self-destructive sexual behavior. Our behaviors vary: compulsive masturbation, pornography, affairs, paying for sex or being paid, voyeurism, exhibitionism, unsafe sex, abusive sex and much more besides. Family breakups, sexual diseases and other health consequences, financial disaster, loss of jobs, and risk to life are often the painful themes of our stories.
Members may donate to help all meetings carry their message of recovery.
According to our traditions each SAA group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Face-to-face groups pass the pot at each meeting and members are free to contribute as they can and as they see appropriate. This is not always possible in a telemeeting, however the telemeetings listed on this website have created a service board called the Telemeeting Intergroup to help them carry the message of the Twelve Steps of SAA to the sex addict who still suffers. Services provided by the Intergroup which groups cannot easily provide in isolation include:
Help using this website.
- Please Contact Us if you would like assistance setting up a new or temporary Telemeeting by conventional telephone or online video or voice conference
- Members and especially group representatives may login to view the minutes of our last Intergroup meeting - we tried to carry this message to other sex addicts!
- See the latest newsletter from the International Service Organization of SAA at https://saa-recovery.org/wp-content/uploads/TheOuterCircleNewsletter.pdf
- If you were looking for saatalk.org, we have moved our site - all the information that was at saatalk.org and more is now available here!
- SAA members can create a personal account to view more information and optionally share their contact details with other members
- If your meeting is not already listed your group representative can also create a group account and submit a new weekly meeting for publication via My meetings in the members area
- See helpful links for women
- Members can see details of monthly Intergroup business meetings through the Business meetings list after they have logged in
- Intergroup servants can publish reports in advance through All events in the Publishing area
- See our website policy on privacy and cookies
The following procedures may help you use this site.
You may view all procedures, or restrict the list using the filters below.
You can see further details by clicking the procedure title.
Members may register and login to view additional procedures.
Erfahrene Mitglieder helfen Gruppen, ihre Botschaft der Genesung zu verbreiten.
Monthly Paris Intergroup meeting | English | Gemischt | Andere | ||
SAA Women’s Intergroup Meeting for January 2025 | English | Gemischt | Alle |
Mitglieder teilen sich andere zwölfstufige Wiederherstellungsressourcen.
The twelve steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Ja | Recovery 12 steps SAA |
The twelve traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous | Intergroup secretary | English | Ja | Recovery 12 traditions SAA |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Basamağı | Turkish translator | Turkish | Nein | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki basamağı |
Adsız Seks Bağımlıları'nın 12 Geleneği | Turkish translator | Turkish | Nein | asb adsız seks bağımlıları'nın oniki geleneği |
Las Doce Tradiciones de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | Nein | Recuperación 12 tradiciones ASA SAA |
Los Doce Pasos de Adictos Sexuales Anónimos | Spanish translator | Español | Nein | Recuperación 12 pasos ASA SAA |
Τα Δώδεκα Βήματα | Greek translator | Greek | Nein | Δώδεκα 12 Βήματα |